Oct. 28 Employment Preparedness virtual workshop registration now underway
Our fellow United Spinal Association chapter in Southern California, Spinal Network, is hosting a compact and highly informative free virtual workshop on Employment Preparedness on Wed., Oct. 28th that starts at 9:30 a.m. and ends just before 12:30 p.m. PT. The workshop includes three sessions with each consisting of five areas of focus that addresses various aspects of a decision to seek employment for persons with a disability. This workshop is a collaboration between Spinal Network, Social Security Administration, Disability Rights California, Department of Rehabilitation and Workability III.
These five areas of focus are:
Social Security - PASS program (Plans to Achieve Self Support)
Disability Rights California - WIPA (Work Incentive Planning and Assistance)
Dept. of Rehabilitation - Employment Services
Workability III - Connecting with the Community College system
Spinal Network - Interview tips
You can register for this free workshop HERE.