AbilityHacks to host March 7 Pizza, Beer, Build Social in SF

AbilityHacks is a non-profit community of people with disabilities and volunteers devoted to addressing specific, unmet ability challenges, featuring a diverse talent pool focused on finding solutions that include adaptive technologies, innovations, and inventions. And now they’re hosting their first-ever Pizza, Beer, Build Social event on Sat., March 7th from 4-6 p.m. in San Francisco as a hook to bring you in and see how their work and community is making an impact in the lives of those with a disability.

Some of the needs they address are unique and complicated while others have simply not received the attention they deserve. They build a unique team for each challenge, which collaborates independently and draws upon on their broader community when needed. It includes people from many backgrounds and disciplines, all volunteering to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives, driven in part to find ways to expand possibilities for people and help improve their quality of life.

You can learn more about this event HERE


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Thinking of going to college? Join Feb. 19 online chat forum from Backbones