Congress must hear from the SCI community before finalizing COVID-19 recovery legislation


Right now, different factions of Congress are debating and crafting legislation on a massive COVID-19 economic recovery stimulus bill. While the deadly virus continues to disrupt our lives, overwhelm our health care system, and cause economic hardship to millions of Americans, people with disabilities are facing a particularly grave set of challenges.  It is critical that our policymakers in Congress hear from the disability community NOW as they work on legislation to help our country recover from this crisis.

United Spinal Association has developed a web form that would allow you to quickly add your voice and approval to a set of demands aimed to protect our vulnerable population that must be included in any legislation. Please, do your part by completing the ONLINE PETITION HERE.


Stuck at home during COVID-19 crisis? Some easy exercise options for those with SCI


A First: AbilityHacks to host virtual meetup on March 21