Stuck at home during COVID-19 crisis? Some easy exercise options for those with SCI


People with SCI face tremendous physical, psychosocial, and environmental barriers to physical activity; they are less active and physically deconditioned than the general population and people with other disabilities. Overwhelming evidence suggests that people living with SCI can achieve health benefits from activity levels well below the generally recommended 150 min/week threshold.

A group led by Dr. Kathleeen Martin Ginis at the University of British Columbia and Dr. Victoria Goosey-Tolfrey at Loughborough University, UK led a team that reviewed relevant literature and held consensus meetings to develop international guidelines on physical activity after SCI. 

These guidelines are most appropriate for adults aged 18-64 with chronic SCI (at least 1 year post-onset, neurological level C3 or below), from traumatic or non-traumatic causes, including tetraplegia and paraplegia.

The Physical Activity Guidelines after SCI are as follows:

  • For cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength benefits, adults with SCI should engage in:

    — Engage in at least 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise 2 times per week

    — 3 sets of strength exercises for each major functioning muscle group, at a moderate to vigorous intensity, 2 times per week.

  • For cardiometabolic health benefits, adults with SCI are suggested to engage in:

    — At least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise 3 times per week.

One of our favorite fellow wheelchair users who has been very prolific in this area is British quadriplegic (C5-6 incomplete since 2010), Ben Clark. Through his organization, Adapt to Perform, he has used social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube to share hundreds of videos of various exercise routines as well as livestreaming programs involving interviews with other peers to present uplifting messages and advice. Check him out on:


Additionally, we also recommend the web site of the SCI Action Canada’s Active Home which has online videos for both tetraplegia and paraplegia individuals as well as this nifty 32-page guide with pictures of many types of exercises that can be done in a wheelchair using stretch bands.


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