Sacramento region's May 13 virtual support group to feature renowned Pilates trainer for those with SCI
Co-founders of Zebrafish Neuro, Stephanie Comella & Theo St. Francis
The Wed., May 13th virtual meeting of the Sacramento SCI and Neuro Support Group will feature Stephanie Comella of Zebrafish Neuro who is joining the group for a guided exploration of our versatile and complex shoulders, meant for SCI athletes of any ability. The regular meeting of the group will take place from 3-4 p.m., with Stephanie’s part commencing at 4 p.m. and everyone is encouraged to join in.
Stephanie has been working with individuals with neurological disorders since 2011, blending her formal education in exercise biology and her experience in Pilates and mindful movement modalities with neurological science to provide an intuitive, hands-on style of teaching focused on body re-connection after injury. She started Zebrafish Neuro in 2017 along with Theo St. Francis and they have just released a one-of-a-kind book on SCI recovery, From the Ground Up. For more information on their program, check out
The weekly online group is for those who want to connect with others that have spinal cord injuries or neurological challenges. Anyone is welcome to join, whether you are brand new to the SCI life or you are a veteran.
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