Self-Management Mobile App study seeks participants with SCI by Feb. 1, offers $100 compensation


Most people with SCI develop secondary complications and while mobile applications for self-management have been shown to be effective in patients with other chronic health conditions, they have not been assessed for patients with spinal cord injuries. A mobile app could be an effective means of improving self-management skills in people with SCI. Researchers at the University of British Columbia are recruiting candidates by Feb. 1st in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-management intervention that features the use of the self-management app to help people with SCI attain self-selected goals and improve personal management of health.

You will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires and, where applicable, two interviews over four data collection sessions. The study will involve multiple contacts and ongoing use of the mobile app and you will receive $100 ($20/each session) to help compensate for your time spent in the study. You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • are 19 years of age or older

  • can speak, read, and write in English

  • were discharged from an inpatient rehabilitation facility following SCI at least one year ago

  • are living in a community setting

  • have reliable access to the internet

  • are capable of providing your own informed consent

  • have not previously used a self-management app focused on SCI

  • live in Canada or the United States

You can learn more about this study and participate HERE.


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