Learn all about a "Strong Neck, Strong Core" at Feb. 18 virtual workshop


The neck is quite an important structure in our body. It holds up our head (all 10 pounds), it connects our skull to our body, and it contains many important structures (nerves, vasculature, and our airway). Following a spinal cord injury, regardless of the level, the neck is usually significantly or somewhat affected. And yet, we often don’t pay much attention to its everyday positioning, strength, or mobility. You may be asking yourself … but how do I strengthen my neck? Is that even safe!? What if I have hardware in my neck? Good questions that require someone like Rachel Kahn to address during our “Strong Neck, Strong Core” virtual event on Thurs., Feb. 18th at 5 p.m. PST which you can register for HERE.

In this installment of “NorCal SCI Presents: Virtual is the New Reality Series”, Rachel will discuss the important structures in the neck, areas and movements to be mindful of (especially if you have cervical hardware), and how to safely strengthen your neck. She will then discuss how strengthening and stabilizing the neck can play a big role in connecting to and strengthening the core. 

Class Prep: For exercises covered in the movement portion, you can either remain seated or transfer to a bed/floor space. Optional equipment includes an inflatable 7-12” ball.

This free virtual presentation is funded through a grant by the Reeve Foundation. Once you register, you will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail from us which you should keep for access information to the virtual event. Rachel is a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and is currently pursuing her license for massage therapy.


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