Opportunities for employment in the incoming administration for persons with disabilities


United Spinal Association and VetsFirst is working closely with the incoming Biden-Harris administration Transition Team and their agency review teams on all policy issues that matter to United Spinal and VetsFirst, from healthcare and COVID and caregiving issues to transportation and employment to name a few. They are asking for assistance in identifying individuals within the SCI community who would like to work for the Biden Administration.

They are looking for individuals with disabilities who will provide key insights and recommendations on critical policy considerations, and access to networks of qualified, dedicated, diverse talent that will help make the new Administration look like America. The President-elect knows that, together, we have critical work ahead of us to rebuild, and he is eager to seize this transition period to get started. For current Administration vacancies, you can visit the Office of Personnel Management or the Department of Veterans Affairs. You can also submit your resume HERE.


University of Washington seeks study participants for health & wellness research


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