Amid rising COVID-19 cases, NorCal SCI announces limited distribution of free Level 2 face masks


As Californians are experiencing a dramatic surge in the transmission of COVID-19, and with the slow rollout of the available vaccines that won’t be available to most until spring, it has become more important than ever for the spinal cord injury community members to remain vigilant by limiting their exposure to opportunities to contract the virus. And NorCal SCI would like to do its part by offering to ship out 100 disposable Level 2 surgical masks to anyone who doesn’t have the financial means to purchase them.

We know, it’s been tough not being able to go out when and where you want but let’s hope that through vaccinations and achieving herd immunity, we can finally control this disease but it would take every single one of us to protect ourselves and avoid adding to the flat out overburdened hospitals dealing with catastrophic shortages of beds and personnel.

To get your 100 free masks, please send an e-mail to with the following information:

  • In the subject line of your e-mail, write FREE MASKS:

  • First & last name of person with SCI

  • Full Mailing address

  • Phone #

  • Injury type and level

  • Date of injury

While supplies are limited, we will process your request on an honor basis with the hope of serving only those with a real need. We would like to thank our partners who have helped make this program possible: The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, United Spinal Association, Berkeley’s Center for Independent Living, NuMotion Foundation and donors of NorCal SCI.

Nick & Franklin, co-founders


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