5th Annual Ed Roberts Awards goes virtual and free to the community on Jan. 23

The organizers of the 5th Annual Ed Roberts Awards, Berkeley’s Center for Independent Living (CIL), are hosting this incredible evening of recognition virtually on Sat., January 23rd at 6 p.m. and they are inviting the entire community of persons with disability to join them for free. This year, they’ll be honoring five individuals - Dr. Kara Ayers, Dr. Megan Kirshbaum, Brandon Young, Joe Xavier, and Martin Paley - whose work has increased awareness, collaboration, and opportunity among parents with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities, and the disabled community as a whole. You can learn more about this event and register to attend HERE.

The CIL will be honoring (from left to right) Martin Paley, Brandon Young, Dr. Kara Ayers, Joe Xaiver, and Dr. Megan Kirshbaum virtually at the 5th Annual Ed Roberts Awards

The CIL will be honoring (from left to right) Martin Paley, Brandon Young, Dr. Kara Ayers, Joe Xaiver, and Dr. Megan Kirshbaum virtually at the 5th Annual Ed Roberts Awards

As one of The CIL's founders, Ed Roberts was a man who championed the rights of people with disabilities and has been one of the most impactful people in advancing civil rights. Ed's work has radiated beyond the California Bay Area to improve the lives of millions of people across the globe. Each year, they honor individuals who carry the legacy of Ed Roberts in their work, activism, and contributions. The focus of this year's Ed Roberts Award Celebration is the intersection of disability and parenting. They are looking forward to bringing everyone together virtually to cherish and celebrate Ed's memory and the work that continues to create a more inclusive, accessible, and just world.

And for those who are able to pitch in and make a donation, The CIL came up with a plan to both help some of their favorite local food makers and restaurants, struggling to stay afloat in the age of COVID, and provide you with a delicious, memorable experience. In place of the typical Ed Roberts Awards catered meal, donors to The CIL can receive gift cards to some of their favorite local restaurants, as well as a gift basket loaded with 100% local foods, drinks, and treats. All proceeds will go towards converting The CIL’s services from physical to digital, and making sure that everyone in the community has access to technology that will connect them to their jobs, their schools, and their families.


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