BORP opens registration for Oct. 23 SportsFest event


The Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP) has opened registration for SportsFest scheduled for Sat., Oct. 23rd from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Whether you're coming to climb and kayak or play cornhole and eat Halloween candy or all of the above, the idea is to have fun, try something new and be together as a community. All activities are fully adaptable with a free lunch served to every registered participant. Bring friends and make new friends. But you must register HERE.

Climbers can challenge themselves on Mark Wellman's awesome rock climbing wall while other activities such as fitness, cornhole, pickleball, a Halloween costume contest and more will also be offered, all at their center in Aquatic Park, Berkeley.

An event of this magnitude also needs volunteers in jobs that are completely accessible, so please help out as well as participate in some activities. You can register as a volunteer HERE.


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