On July 27, watch live seminar on “Spinal Cord Injury Research for Non-Scientists”


The International Online Spinal Cord Injury Research Seminars, in collaboration with Unite 2 Fight Paralysis, are hosting a free seminar on Tues., July 27th at 11 a.m. PT on “SCI Research for Non Scientists” which, as you might imagine, is targeted for the average person who is not a scientist. If you have a spinal cord injury and have always wondered about the role of research and why everything takes so long to develop, you won’t want to miss this session which can be viewed live on their YouTube Channel HERE.

You will have a chance to watch some of the researchers talk about their current work including:

  • Chet Moritz, PhD, University of Washington - Non-invasive stimulation to improve function after SCI

  • David Magnuson, PhD, University of Louisville - Everything matters: changing the trajectory of recovery after spinal cord injury

  • Caitlin E. Hill, PhD, Neural Stem Cell Institute - Targeting and testing therapies for spinal cord injury repair

A live Q&A session will follow the presentations.


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