Video recording of “SCI Research for Non-Scientists” now available to the public
Using this illustration of how electricity is distributed from the power generator to the homes/businesses, Dr. Hill demonstrated the challenges a spinal cord injury presents to researchers.
On Tues., July 27th, The International Online Spinal Cord Injury Research Seminars, in collaboration with Unite 2 Fight Paralysis, held a free seminar on “SCI Research for Non Scientists” which, as you might imagine, targeted the average person who is not a scientist. Three renowned scientists, who have spent the better part of their lives on spinal cord injury research, delivered a powerful 2-hour presentation that shared information on the challenges they face to find various scientific interventions to improve function following an SCI. If you have a spinal cord injury and have always wondered about the role of research and why everything takes so long, you don’t want to miss THIS RECORDING.
The presenters were Dr. Caitlin E. Hill, PhD, Neural Stem Cell Institute, speaking on “Targeting and testing therapies for spinal cord injury repair”; Dr. Chet Moritz, PhD, University of Washington, addressing “Non-invasive stimulation to improve function after SCI” and Dr. David Magnuson, PhD, University of Louisville, who spoke on “Everything matters: changing the trajectory of recovery after spinal cord injury.”