Dr. Wise Young to provide latest update on his impending SCI clinical trials on Oct. 1st


Long-time Spinal Cord Injury researcher, Dr. Wise Young, will be presenting the latest update on his U.S. umbilical cord blood stem cell clinical trials for the chronic and complete cases of SCI on Fri., Oct. 1st during the Keck Center’s Friday Open House from 4-6 p.m. PST. At his July talk, Wise laid out an ambitious timeline to seek and receive regulatory approvals to start the trials by January of 2022, so it will be most interesting to see how things have gone since then. The parameters for study inclusion are: C5 through T11 Complete ASIA A injuries greater than one year, persons 18-64 years old, and injury site is less than three vertebral levels on MRI scan.

If you’d like to read the last update from July, read THIS ARTICLE.

If you’d like to catch his presentation this Friday, REGISTER HERE..


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