Feb. 9 “Women & SCI/D Health Talks” to address Preventative Healthcare

BACKBONES continues its “Women & SCI/D Health Talks” by hosting a virtual event on Wed., Feb. 9th at 4 p.m. PST on “Preventative Healthcare”. Living with a spinal cord injury and disability requires everyday maintenance and care for our bodies and minds and in this session, Chanda Hinton, Executive Director of the Chanda Center for Health and Chanda Plan Foundation, discusses ways to prevent secondary conditions and modalities such as massage, acupuncture and yoga that can improve your wellness and quality of life. You can register for this live event HERE. If you cannot attend the live session but are registered, you will receive a recording of the webinar via email.

Her foundation provides access to holistic, collaborative, access and disability competent healthcare programs to individuals with physical disabilities.  In 2009, she led the movement to pass Colorado House Bill 1047, which created the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Waiver, offering acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic care through Medicaid to evaluate cost-effectiveness and improve quality of life for persons with spinal cord injuries in the Denver metro area. In 2021, she expanded these services legislatively to other diagnosis and to be a statewide benefit.

Women & SCI/D Health Talks aims to provide a space for both formal and informal discussion among women regarding topics that are often either rarely discussed or neglected.


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