​15 recovery reminders for everyone with a Spinal Cord Injury

Healing from trauma of any kind takes enormous effort and individuals with spinal cord injuries know firsthand just how taxing the recovery process can be on both the body and mind. The physical trauma to your body requires diligent time and effort spent on rehabilitation, pain management, equipment needs, learning new ways to complete activities of daily living, and discovering how your body now functions. Together with a medical team, most people physically recover in a predictable way. On the other hand, mental health recovery can be more unpredictable. It’s important to address your emotional trauma because your inner experiences relating to how you think and feel about your paralysis are just as valid as what is seen on the outside. Every now and then, you might also need some positive reminders to keep moving forward. There are 15 reminders that you can reference during times of frustration or discouragement which you can read about HERE.


Understanding and management of bowel function after a Spinal Cord Injury


Center for Cultural Innovation offers $600 Quick Grants to members of the arts community