An unintended job: ups & downs of being thrusted into a caregiver role

When a spinal cord injury occurs, all the focus is on the person who has experienced it and the difficult road to recovery and independence that lies ahead. Lost in this shuffle is the life of the person who becomes an unwitting caregiver for the newly-injured and has now been thrusted into the spotlight of not only making sure the home is ready to accept the injured loved one but also how to support them on a long-term basis. Amber Collie is one of such individuals, the mother of Zack Collie who experienced a C4 complete injury in 2010 as a result of a diving accident. Read her take on this experience HERE.


Move United OnDemand presents: April is “Move More” month


Autonomous Electric Vehicle company, Nuro, offers $200 to wheelchair users to test driverless delivery service in San Jose