Empower & NorCal SCI Team up to Provide Summer Intensive Program Scholarships

Empower SCI Summer Intensive Program Participants in Missoula, MT

We are excited to announce a brand new partnership and opportunity with Empower SCI for this coming summer. NorCal SCI will provide a limited number of scholarships for approved participants to attend one of Empower’s Summer Intensive Programs (SIPs).

Empower SCI Summer Intensive Programs are unique in offering a residential program and a holistic rehabilitation experience after the traditional SCI continuum of care ends. With help from Empower’s leading team of physical therapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, rehab counselors and peer mentors – all experts in spinal cord injury rehabilitation – participants crush their goals, make new friends, and return home a more empowered version of themselves!

The program focuses on peer mentoring, rehabilitation counseling, and informal knowledge-sharing between individuals who are going through similar experiences and challenges in addition to formal physical therapy, occupational therapy, and recreational therapy.

24/7 caregivers are provided by Empower as part of the program so it’s a great opportunity for someone to give their caregivers/family members a break and experience a truly independent experience!

The $2500 participant fee for a summer intensive program will be provided by NorCal SCI under its Road to Recovery grant. Participants will have to travel to/from the program on their own but there may be a chance for an additional travel stipend, based on need. Approved participants will be asked to share updates, photos and videos of their experience.

  • Program locations:

    • West Adult: Missoula, Montana; June 8-15

    • Northeast Adult: Warwick, Rhode Island; July 20-27

    • Northeast Teen & Young Adult (ages 14-21): Warwick, Rhode Island; August 10-16

Interested participants should:

1) Apply to an Empower program HERE

2) Note that they were referred through Norcal SCI

3) Indicate that they are seeking financial support.


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