Google working to make its technology more accessible for the disabled
NorCal SCI co-founder, Nick Struthers, has been keen to engage Google about the various projects they're developing or working on that affects individuals with disabilities and we're thrilled to announce that Kyndra LoCoco, Google's Accessibility Community Program Manager, has been responsive to our overtures in a number of areas that we will be announcing in the coming weeks.
Google's Kyndra LoCoco
For now, Kyndra was able to let us know that the Google accessibility team has launched a dedicated disability support team. The support team is available to answer questions about using assistive technology with Google products and accessibility features and functionalities within Google products.
Additional support was a popular request from the Google accessibility community. Agents are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST. The support team is available through email and only in English language and you may contact the team at and you will receive an answer by a support representative within 72 hours.
The support team is exploring adding additional languages and support channels in the future. Be sure to check the Google accessibility blog for more updates and announcements from the Google team. Read below to learn about additional resources offered and ways to keep in touch with the Google accessibility team.
To be clear, we're not biased in terms of singling out Google. We will seek to engage any technology company that develops products that are in use by the disability community who could benefit from receiving better support in solving their technical challenges.
Get additional support through communities:
Join the Switch Access community for Switch Access inquiries
Join the accessible community for general Google accessibility inquiries
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Stay up to date by following Google on Twitter (@googleaccess)
Visit the Google accessibility blog monthly for new posts
Learn more:
Explore the Google Accessibility website
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