United Spinal live webinar: Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Tips and Strategies
United Spinal Association is hosting a live webinar on “Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Tips and Strategies” on Thurs., May 16th from Noon to 1 p.m. PT.
Here’s the reality of SCI. Not all rehabilitation is the same. What is needed for a new spinal cord injury? What are the clinical guidelines for rehab? What to do once the insurance runs out? This webinar will introduce you to the key elements of rehabilitation therapy, the rehab guidelines for people with SCI, and resources to stay healthy and/or extend rehab once you go home.
Webinar presenters include Jennifer French, MBA, Executive Director, Neurotech Network; and Kimberly Anderson-Erisman, Ph.D., Professor, Case Western Reserve University. REGISTER HERE for this free webinar.