Mobile fueling bill seeks support of the disability community
Those of you who have gone to a gas station only to leave frustrated because no attendant was available to pump gas into your vehicle may finally have some good news coming your way. A campaign by the San Mateo-based Booster Fuels to encourage the California State Legislators to support AB 2792 - Mobile Fueling On-Demand Tank Vehicles is appealing to the members of the disability community to help its passage. The bill would allow for mobile fueling in the State in order to help address the lack of access and service at conventional gas stations for persons with disabilities. If you’re wondering how this concept works, think compact mobile fueling trucks that would come to you and fill up your tank of gas.
The challenge they’re seeking to address is that mobile fueling is only permitted to operate in a handful of jurisdictions in California due to onerous regulations that prevents the industry from growing across the State. The California Legislature is currently considering passage of a bill that would make it easier for mobile fueling to operate all over California, thereby extending the accessibility of mobile fueling to those who need it most.
You can learn more about them HERE. Their contention is that supporting mobile fueling on demand can create a safer, more accessible, economical and environmentally-friendly way of filling up. To help passage of this Assembly Bill, they’re seeking the support of persons with disabilities who would benefit from on-demand fueling of their vehicle. All you need to do is follow THIS LINK to send an electronic letter to the Legislature demonstrating your support of the bill.
DISCLOSURE: NorCal SCI has supported the introduction and adoption of this bill for the benefit of persons with disabilities. No individual at NorCal SCI is affiliated with Booster Fuels or stands to benefit financially or by any other means from the passage of this bill.