A novel non-drug treatment for chronic pain in Spinal Cord Injury

Chronic pain affects many people with spinal cord injury (SCI) and can be musculoskeletal, neuropathic, or associated with spasms. Medications help, but rarely cure chronic pain. New research suggests that training in self-hypnosis plus cognitive therapy (HCT) can reduce chronic SCI-related pain. Self-hypnosis is a skill people can learn to enter a state of relaxed alertness and openness to suggestion. Cognitive therapy involves changing how the brain processes pain by changing thoughts about pain. Researchers at the University of Washington are starting a new study to find out if people can learn HCT from a therapist via videoconferencing and if they experience significant pain relief. If videoconferencing-based HCT works, more people with SCI could benefit from this therapy.

This is a research study, so half of the participants will be randomly assigned to HCT and half to usual care. All participants will be asked to complete outcome assessments. No in-person visits are needed. Participants earn up to $60 for completing assessments.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are 18 years of age or older;

  • Have been diagnosed with and treated for a spinal cord injury;

  • Experience chronic pain related to your SCI;

  • Are able to read, speak, and understand English; and

  • Have access to a web-camera & microphone through a computer, smartphone or other internet-connected device.

To learn more and apply, contact them at (206) 221-5688 or by e-mail at telepop@uw.edu.


Following successful launch, NorCal SCI's Smart Home Independence Package resumes accepting applications


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